Athlete of Love

Athlete of Love
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 June 24, 2016
I’m kind of a ‘stranger in a strange land’. In my early teens, I had a vague idea that became far more focused in my 20’s that I was going to experience personal and couple love to the deepest possible space. Without explanation, I did, or so I’ve convinced myself as I keep options open to go beyond. In any case, my motivation for writing either here, or in my free speech displays, is significantly motivated by my experiences. I can see little reason why much of humanity can’t find the depths of love through awareness of self, love of self and another (s), and/or meditation which is the flight of the known into the unknown.
Meditation and love in a way are interchangeable both leading to a state of inner peace, bliss, joy, and excitement at the wonder of the moment, past, and future. What you become focused on, be it physical athletics, studying anything, or just being the best you can be at what you choose, you become like an athlete of that pursuit. 
To become an ‘athlete of love’ is to seek the answer of ‘truth’ in discovering the harmony with the divine godliness of existence. Religions may call it something like to be one with god. With little or no focused intent on the path of love, it’s highly likely that you will  become caught up in the world of seeking many things but mostly missing life’s greatest quality of the energy of love. Love reaches a peak when another becomes the resonance to the clear, perfect like mirror of your strongest, deepest, most blissful energies, and ‘they’ the receiving of the same reflection for a silent explosion that permeates all of your life. In reality, it’s you meeting your pure love within activated by another with you experiencing the same thing, and not just for moments in the changing winds of time, but endlessly.
When the eyes of your soul sleeps and wakes with love and it’s blissfulness, you have mated with your soul. Some call it a ‘soul mate’ which is really the mating of you with your soul or higher consciousness either through meditation alone or with another who you become the ocean of love with. Once you have really found deep love, it can’t be lost. Dark nights of the soul are never more, replaced by an inner illumination of a ‘secret’ joy and happiness that wants to share itself endlessly. 
The world condition is at the cusp of evolving to ‘superconscious beings’ through love in coupling as well as alone, which we all are anyway. Godliness is at everyone’s grasp, just have the intent to ‘see who you are’ and be that which you seek. Stay open to giving and receiving from the heart! Within you is the soul of the divine, just open to it!
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