Sensitive Slobbery

Sensitive Slobbery

Nick Johnson's photo.
 January 10,2014
Not remembering who you really are created to be is to be living in a world of reaction to the outer world instead of accepting it as it’s resonating with your consciousness. Everything is perfect for where it has come from. To be in harmony with all is to be divinely blessed. Start the harmony with love of yourself, then love of others, then in harmony with all that is presented before you. I like to call it ‘sensitivity’, sensitivity to yourself and to the environment you are in. Is your ‘opinion’ in harmony with what you encounter from all phenomenon as well as others, especially those who are close in your life?
The ‘ego’ protects insensitivity and rationalizes what others consider ‘insensitive’. In my ‘ Meditation Center’ where many have lived over the years in both LA and Washington State. I have ‘evolved’ the rules from a list of many that most never read more than once, at most, to one word. Sensitivity! It’s a BIG WORD, as shown in ‘real time’ that around half of those coming here have no idea what it means beyond being sensitive to their own needs, oblivious to others and the ‘vibe’ of the place. Males are four out of five of the offenders. Mommy didn’t do her job I suppose. Military males are the exception and more sensitive to how things should be. 
The world of the more ‘entitled’ is really filled with the majority from the dark ages who live to  support what they want regardless of who it affects adversely. The female spirit is the soul of the sensitive. A so called ‘real man’ is half his mother and half his father in balance, but perhaps a little more the mother. Rising in consciousness begins in both the inner and the outer. Correct and change bad habits by replacing them with good conscious ones. 
Those who have not mastered ‘sensitivity’, while having slovenly habits, are strangely ‘sensitive’ when called on their slobbery. Constructive criticism should always be welcome for development of ‘sensitivity’. The opposite of ‘sensitive’ is ‘selfish’. Selfishness to serve the ego of entitlement. When starting in the NY corporate world selling printing presses, etc., I went through a training that involved play acting on TV with make believe clients, and to the critique of others. It was designed to have empathy for others. Being sensitive to others can range from warm dialog to tough love with skill full means even if it’s like a football coach having to yell at someone for the betterment of the game. Skilled adjustment to tailor fit the situation or person is a learned art with time. The benefits are always having a blissful smile inside. 

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