Repression Love

April 14, 2009
Every health problem and insensitive personal behavior needs to be questioned as to whether suppression of repressed emotions are clinging like barnacles to a ship. Anger, self doubts, low self esteem, paranoia, substance abuse, fat, fears, etc. all likely have roots in ‘issues’ repressed into the back of the mind and, are frequently significantly the result of health problems from asthma, colds, flu, diseases, cancers, fatigue, etc. by whatever name they are called.

There is a story behind all glory and, the lack of it. We think nothing of keeping our clothes and body clean, and yet, when it comes to the mind, we complacently accept it as either beyond the need to change or the repressions keep getting piled higher and deeper to numb one to a solution. We ignore the most important things to clean or clear – the mind and heart. Each is a perfect being but, tainted and confused because of ineptness to empty out the ‘garbage’, instead spewing it out on others and ourselves!

There is an expert within all, the key is in each hand to use or abuse the possibilities of rainbows that disappear into nowhere. Time is short to not pay attention to the ‘sign’s from everywhere on how to move into a healthy rainbow of bliss and joy. The first step is always to stop and see that you are the key. There is no tomorrow and today is almost gone! Time is love and it’s time to bring in the invisible sources of correcting the path gone astray.

When a human becomes in deep love with themselves, that’s when all the answers find there way at all moments into a more divine life. To be really free, is to be free of the ghosts that haunt one as a shadow always ready to pounce. Be humbly like the God that everyone sees as out there. That God is life and love. (stream of consciousness)

When a human becomes in deep love with themselves, that’s when all the answers find there way at all moments into a more divine life. To be really free, is to be free of the ghosts that haunt one as a shadow always ready to pounce. Be humbly like the God that everyone sees as out there. That God is life and love. (stream of consciousness)


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