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Spiritual Shock Talk

You’ll Never Find ..

wowarhata / December 12, 2023
Spiritual Shock Talk

Scent of Karma

Spiritual Shock Talk


Spiritual Shock Talk

Free Speech Prison

Things to Do in New York

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You’ll Never Find ..


Dec 12 2023

Teri & I spent beautiful years togetherin NYC when in our 20's. She becamea Naturopathic DoctorOctober 17, 2023Your song to yourself is…You'll never find, ...
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Scent of Karma


Dec 8 2023

October 7, 2023Enough is enough. It's coming back around. God is karma. You trick yourselves to think you are alright, when in reality you ...
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Nov 23 2023

September 28, 2023Discombobulated, confused, not awake or just beginning to awaken to a new reality. Just woke up!? We must love those just awakening ...
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Free Speech Prison


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Holy Books & Dictionaries 📣

By wowarhata | July 25, 2021 | 0

Holy Books & Dictionaries 📣
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May 14, 2021
‘One world religion’ has NOTHING to do with saviors, saints, males of antiquity or holy books that are allegedly responsible for great miracles and guiding humanity. Like many things that still may have value in them, but have been superseded by better, easier methods to be ‘saved’ is otherwise like putting a square peg in a round hole. There are better methods like having places of applying positive fuel to those who come for assistance and stimulation as in a new religion. Meeting places can exist for providing all the words, and techniques to reach inner love, awareness, and discernments for all life.

We no longer use dictionaries when a word can be looked up on the computer. Dictionaries (and encyclopedias) gather dust as should all the holy books. Yesteryears methods in all things need reevaluation and updating regardless of a previous value. And yet let there be value in the old for those who must have the freedom to choose. There is a better way, and it’s very simple. Let’s be realistic and positive and seek the simple opportunity. Old religions are like dictionaries – who buys a DICTIONARY any more?! All we need is love and its accompanying attributes.

Falling into love is a road to falling out of love. Rise in love. Always look for opportunities to rise in love. There are storms and even seemingly hopeless blank spots in life. Always there are opportunities waiting, be they hidden until who knows when. The open heart will give the answers.

Time to get on the road of love and give up the booze, drugs, complacencies, bad habits, and all traps that keep you running in place, or even the slow sinking in quick sand. Listen to the little voice deep within and see that heading into the light is wordless. With every stumble, get up and wipe the dust off to rise above it.

How can am open heart send and receive the best messages for life? The same way the limited brain does! They both have a mind. Listen to your heart. Let the clear mind ‘police’ that the heart is not overworking or over emphasizing, and even be it ‘out to lunch’ or not being open enough.

To be in superconsciousness of maximized love energy, one needs a clear connection from the heart to the brain/mind. When in the world without the strong presence of love the heart/mind connection will face unnecessary challenges and discombobulations. Always seek a time out to reboot and align the marriage of mind and heart with the heart leading the way to positive results. Seek opportunities for the heart to love the mind as then the mind will love the heart. In a relationship of two souls meeting and melting as one is when ‘both’ individually have a clear mind-heart connection within. The real ‘holy book’ is the mind and heart in love with each other. God or godliness enters the presence. When the mind is well and the heart is well, always nirvana of blissfulness will be carried within.

Viagra Love Bullshit

By wowarhata | June 5, 2010 | 0

Viagra Love Bullshit.pdf Viagra Love Bullshit May 28, 2010 Love between a couple has nothing to do with snake oil ‘miracle grow’ Viagra’s, more than it does with putting K-Y […]

Father in the Sky

By wowarhata | September 27, 2021 | 0

Father in the Sky 🌈

July 11, 2021

Did he come from the Milkman? They did have stories about them when they were a part of American society. Anyway, part of one’s spiritual/conscious awareness is to let go of programming that, well is a block. One large one is how man has ruled most every aspect of the world for good and often for ‘no good’.

Recently we have been inundated with the fact that just regarding humans as male or female is an over simplification, and that there is a lot ‘in between’ such as people being both. One of the names used for that ‘element’ of human is the LGBT person (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transexual)…perhaps there will be more by the time you read this? In many ways, it’s a good thing. This duality world where everything is black or white, male or female, good or bad needs a whole new ‘reboot’ to a ‘non duality’ world with many possibilities existing.

From the beginning of humanity, males, and male energy have always dominated for good, bad, and every thing imaginable. Who created a God in the sky? Named him our ‘father in the sky’? Who created all the religion scriptures of holy books? Man, man, man everywhere’ man’. Females being more necessary than men has been seriously considered, and yet they inherit the volatile ‘Mother Earth’ while males get the skies and entrance to Heaven (St. Peter guards the gates).

Even on a more mundane level we have the ‘mail man’ – why is that? Double your pleasure? Now we have ‘emails’ too! The female gets ‘fema’ camps’ (using fe and ma!). It’s time to look beyond all the good males have done, but also see the violence, destruction and murder that is 95% male. More and more males are not needed for we have ‘sperm banks’ readily available. The world, as well as the individual, needs a softer more spiritual energy to lift the clouds of darkness that float over all too much in lives needing more nurturing and bliss for a taste of ‘Heaven on Earth’. Just maybe this ‘Heaven’ is not guarded by St. Peter (what a phallic name!) but by a ‘Helen as a Gate to Paradise’, or in the truth of ‘non duality’ the real experience is without words of material imagination.

Love, and its deep wordless meaning is a portal to something we call God. Maybe we can only find the answer to that by finding the deep love within, and maybe it’s not even a ‘maybe’? Let go, and bliss comes for you and also consequently to bless all others.

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BE the Change!

By wowarhata | March 9, 2015 | 0

BE the Change! February 13, 2015 The ABC’s of the spiritual path is to AlwaysBeConscious! There are certain behaviors that demonstrate one being on a spiritual path (not necessarily in […]

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For the Medicine of Truth

 I refer to as ’spiritual shock talk’ or ‘Zen Alarm Clock dialog’