
Kybosh on Apathy

Kybosh on Apathy
July 8, 2021
The ‘Age of the Bonehead’ is upon us. And, it you think it’s directed at you personally, then you are one of the boneheads, or just maybe you are anyway, but the ego wants to stay away from admitting that.  Being too busy to pay attention to inner and social evolvement has metastasized throughout the populace in favor of the flaccid idleness of serfdom. I’ve heard it said that turkeys are so dumb that when it rains and their mouth is open they may drown. An example of not paying attention and being informed to not take in too much rain!
Apathetic-ism is a form of ‘mind roadkill’. This is an example for millions who followed these victims in the past year or so. People were commanded by their ‘betters’ to wear a mask inside, and outside. They were then told not to wear one, then to wear one, then to wear two, and people did. The controllers told them to get the vaccine because it would protect them, that the shots would make them free again, and they took the shots, but then immediately afterwards the elite told them that while they were now immune, they still had to wear a mask  because…Well, science or something? It was never quite clear. Yet the sheeple eagerly did so. They got bait and switched, and the sheep were satisfied with the switch part.


In spiritual language the Indian ‘gurus’ do similarly to followers sometimes, what is called ‘shearing the sheep’. In their own way, the elite want to shear the sheep of self-respect, and the sheeple line up not that most are not wonderful people, but easily convinced by authority like people. They are told that they must accept personal responsibility for the slaves they never owned, and that they must therefore be accountable to people who were never slaves. And they obey, joyfully competing to most completely abase themselves, shedding their history and their dignity, and trading it away for the chance to be further disrespected and disenfranchised for the sin of having their great-grandfather come from the wrong continent.
Life on the planet now is one of ‘gaslighting’ technology and artificial intelligence (Ai) necessitating all humanity to re-examine their habits, demeanors, and skills at coming on board to the new reality so as not to be a ‘clog in the wheel’s inner and outer development to enter a superconscious world as a growing superconscious being. Question everything of the old, as well as ‘major media’ hoopla, and what the agenda is. It’s safe to bet that you are not a beneficiary, unless well informed and in action!
Note: Acedia is the 8th Deadly Sin – apathy or sloth 

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