
Art of White Lie

Art of White Lie 👀
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January 10, 2021

Honesty, integrity and truth are cornerstones of a loving life. All my close connections in life have no censorship that requires walking on thin ice for fear of at least a verbal reaction that downsizes any love. The unimpeded flow of communication is a never ending delight and gift that one always wants and enjoys more of. The need to censor anything is a block to the love that can be. Of course, some relationships don’t allow free thought and connections, in which case it’s best to ‘harmoniously position’ yourself to them for the best connection even if it’s just a smile.

We all find occasion to reject and resist another person. It’s a great feeling of course to not have to go through that experience, but sometimes the ‘pains’ of the lack of smooth communication can, motivate to find ways to rise about it where there are no clouds of rain and storms. We all like to put up a fight against anything we dislike.  But we forget that when we decide we will resist something or somebody, either mentally or physically, we only empower the object of our resistance, either in reality or in our own minds. 

When, and if, you want to enjoy the ability to influence, always start with acceptance. If you want to disarm another, begin with acceptance. If you want to encourage and empower another to change, start with acceptance. Don’t  make it conditional. Otherwise it’s just resistance disguised as acceptance, and you are still trying to control them. Call it a bit of deception to land you both on a more congenial wavelength. It has a sense of a ‘white lie’. White lies are always to not hurt anyone but may make the connection on any matter more acceptable.

I’m the first to admit that having enjoyed the bliss of being not only on the same page as someone, but on the same line of thought at all times. Still experiencing anyone who is challenged by their own internal way of communication, requires an art of navigation that can certainly be worth the outcome.

Have an open heart, but a flexible attitude especially where communication is like navigating a roaring stream while avoiding the dangerous rocks in the way of moving on. In a sense, the moments of rocky communications, metastasizes or contaminates all meanings of attempted dialog. Everything is not as it seems sometimes. Well, well, well … and especially

in the world as it is now. Even most love is tainted with revolving truth and lies, but if truth be know, not the kind of love that anyone wants. To find love, always focus on the positive, sensitive truth, and leave the only lies as ones with a ‘wink’. The path of the evolving spiritual is the path of love. 
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