Married with Lovers

Married with Lovers
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February 2, 2016
Only know your lover when you let her go! Life to really live is about ‘freedom’. Freedom of what works for those you love and of course yourself. To tie yourself up in your personal private life is to unconsciously assign yourself to a life in prison, or a ‘prisoner from love’. Friendship takes courage apparently when one has created a family of just one other, or one with kids. Family, despite it’s disintegration value since the 1970’s, is nevertheless a life safety net that’s nice to have, but being that most families today seem to have various forms of war within them, it’s good to have friends, and of both sexes… or anything in-between. 

Every man should have women friends, and everywoman should have male friends regardless of their status in life. Variety is the spice of life. Convention seems to be for women to hang out with women and men with men. Try breaking the mold of convention. Part of it for couples is the fear of being offered something more, when in reality maybe that something more, if it’s inner qualities, should encourage paying attention to that which might be overlooked in a relationship.  

Life is more well rounded with a ‘cocktail’ or variety of people. People often cluster in a small, unchanging group of friends that becomes ‘incestuous’ mentally, emotionally and spiritually. People close the doors to new friends in favor of making friends with the TV, Facebook’s ‘unmet’ friends, those from work, next door neighbors, etc. Make it a focus to meet all kinds of friends, but especially those that offer positive, friendly, and open outlooks.

Being trapped with anyone or ones that don’t add a boost to your life’s outlook is to ‘tread water’ in a pool of stagnating swamp. Seeking and being open to unlimited friendships with open, loving people is a reflection of how you feel about yourself, or would like to. Allow all people to have the freedom to be themselves while always harmoniously positioning yourself to those you connect with – sometimes close and with some, just a friendly few words. Everyone offers an opportunity to grow even if they are people who need tolerance, a listener, or just someone to find ways of bonding with. 

And, never forget to love yourself. Loving God, Jesus, Buddha, or Muhammad without loving your inner self might be better than not loving yourself enough, but the question is, if there is a ‘gap’ in your self love, wouldn’t there be a gap in loving someone or thing in the spirit world? Be your best lover, and if you’re the rare fortunate one, be with that someone who is their own best lover too.
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