Selfie Life & Love

Selfie Life & Love

August  24, 2015
People usually get the life they rolled the dice for! Always there is the unforeseen, unpredicted out of control comets that can change everything for the better or worse. It’s better to play lottery than to play with what isn’t going forward and onward in life, and love while you’re at it. 
Now that the much of the world has cell phones that also take pictures, many hold the camera at arms length and take their own photo. That snapshot is called a ‘selfie’ in case you haven’t heard. Conversely, your life and love experiences are chosen by you with few exceptions. You decide to go to college or not or something more fitting. You decide how you behave regardless of what came before. If you don’t decide, there is a universal decision that accounts for the influences you carry on that happened before, be it childhood or just a moment ago. ‘Bon appetite’, you get what you ordered to fulfill your personality, or perhaps you can look hard, and find out who you really are by clearing away that which blocks the view!
Look around! Observe someone or those that exhibit the qualities you would like to have as your own. As someone who was more socially shy than I wanted to be, I  went head first into being socially adept with every activity that would help from throwing parties, selling in the corporate world of NYC, holding conferences with attorneys, going to singles bars, teaching meditation to groups up to 100 people, not to mention doing more public free speech than anyone had done, and in one of the world’s biggest cities, Los Angeles. When it came to the ‘spiritual/conscious’, or success in relationships, there was and is the same focus. Having a penchant for the highest in life and love, irrespective of the material, makes a life worth living and having lived.
Everyone is a teacher. Be the best student of what you want to learn from someone who has a better grasp of anything that you would like to be also. The limits to moving higher and higher are in your mind, and the passion to know. Successful people in many things often learned from a parent, relative or someone who was an adept at what you want to learn. You can learn without any ‘mentors’, but it’s much faster, and more likely to produce results if you are taken ‘under someone’s arm’, so to speak. Tune into the lessons of the universe, nature, god, or whatever name you choose to call life and love.
To give, learn to receive. You are given the best offer of possibilities right now, right here. What you can envision, you can be. Start the journey now, here!

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