Give & Expect Nothing

Give & Expect Nothing
March 2, 2015
It’s going to take a miracle, but the good news is ‘you are the miracle’! It’s incredible that after ‘all of time’, you are here, and now at this very moment! The universe seems infinite with its millions of galaxies, and yet here you are. It’s time to be grateful for sure. Every thought you have is part of the miracle of your life where and how ever you are, or have been. Reaching and being in the highest consciousness that is available is for you, to attain here and now. Any excuse is just that, and not representative of your higher self.  
George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff; the mystic Born in Russia used to say that “Man is a machine influenced by external forces; a man’s life is like a prisoner in a jail. He has no freedom; he has to be in the boundaries only. And in order to escape from the jail, he must feel that he is in prison, he must feel that everything happens with him, he must feel that he has no will power. Until, he doesn’t realize these facts, he cannot be enough thirsty to escape the jail.
What works for me more or less is – ‘expect nothing – hope for the best – but don’t be attached to either, and just enjoy the moments, as you are the watcher’. What ever will be will be, acknowledge your perceptions, others perceptions, and mostly, let it go!  Rarely is the world not seen through agenda’s, belief systems, judgments, and less  than the clarity of the most positive option. Give your all of you with the very highest, aware, discerning perceptions, and let what will be, be. Life is but your dream often clashing with others dreams for better or worse.
There is a famous song by a group known as ‘The Doors’ called ‘Light My Fire’. Put the fire alive within you for the highest visions, then set them to the wind that expands both them and your passions for evolving life’s spirits within and in making it a better world. Light the fire of love within, by first letting go of the ashes and embers of that which gives little light to see both who you really are, as well as the truths of the world which are obscured by others agendas of self gratifications and misperceptions. Be aware and in the moment for that is really all you have. Awareness turns the lights off on the past that darkens the now, and then lights the moment into enlightenment. Life and love are ignited by breathing deeper, and seeing you as the watcher. Seize the moment, and find the best way to light your path! Arhata~


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