Living Cadavers

Living Cadavers

Focus on what you WANT!  ~ <3 ~
 January 4, 2014
Nice people are often silenced by the atrophied ‘get up and do something useful for themselves and others’. Maybe they will turn around and change? Maybe, but always ‘not just yet’. Always, later. Now it’s all the later it’s going to get! Why rock the boat of complacency? Becoming like a stagnate pond breeds  environmental hazards to your life, closing both the mind and heart to protect it’s laziness. Why be like standing water when life’s many possibilities awaits you being like a river always flowing with fresh opportunities. All life on earth is here to be here, and do what it’s designed to do. The deer eat grass, fish swim, birds fly. None have anywhere near the possibilities that you have to create anything imaginable including an ‘inner you’ that makes the gods smile.
It’s time to upgrade life and love to the next highest possibility, then to the next. Giving up on life and love is to shrink to a smallness that creates more stumbling and falling with less ability to make everything an opportunity to grow. You are one of the best that life has come up with. Why let life down? Life has just begun while taking from the past, but giving you the option to move in any imaginable direction, particularly  within. 
Acutualize not sheepilize. Snoozing, medicating, or even buzzing around looking for self gratification adds up to ‘using life’ rather than giving back to this miracle that you’re here, and at this amazing time. In prior centuries to the 20th, most lived in small communities, often rural, where because of limits in communication, people were informed mostly (at best) what was happening locally. Now the world is ‘one community’ with nations and cultures waking up to the new world order of people ‘dazed’, and still stuck in the mire of decades and centuries ago. Those who manage to be in power are not always working in the interest of nearly all on the planet but for their personal greed of control through money and fear. 
No longer is it beneficial or compassionate to others to be asleep at the wheel of the mind. An alarm clock of the mind needs to go off to open the mind for further evolution, individually first, and collectively to activate consciousness to make a difference in a more open, positive, evolving world. Woulda, coulda, shoulda, always a dollar short, and a day late? Cross that threshold of complacency, and know that the universe/god has given you all the tools to be a superconscious human as a light unto the world.

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