Opinions Suck

2345770935_51019ffc4b_mAugust 1, 2009
A ‘rush to judgment’ is at best a toss of the coin for any semblance of truth. There is the verifiable and the unverifiable. The existence of the sun needs no opinion as does most things that are obvious to the common eye. Opinions are often reduced to idle chatter and self serving fodder for the armchair ‘meatloaf’ in denial of being merely a robot who
finds joy in babble that amounts to nothing.

People for years have asked me about my ‘free speech display in public’, if they were my opinions. My answer is something like, ‘no, they are verifiable observations as close to the truth as I’ve been able to find’. Interspersed here and there, of course, some conjecture is bound to leave it’s footprints but, the essence is to get at what has all the appearances of truth upon objective observation. Millions exist seemingly to exercise the divorce of the mouth from intelligence causing unnecessary havoc or uneasiness in the minds of those in receipt of the erroneous projection.

Anyone who is an extension of a belief system or just lacking in information to back up what they ‘believe’, needs to be carefully examined for the why’s and how’s of all proclamations. It’s like a ‘spell check’ or ‘fact check’ on the computer for verification that information is reliable. Flippant opinions and ‘judgments’ are often expressions of self loathers.

Newscasters, given their omission of important information, are particularly careful of expressing ‘opinions’ that have little or no corroborating evidence so that later they find it necessary to retract statements. Any business person is likely to stick with the facts and acknowledge when they insert opinions, inferring that they may not have all the facts or, perhaps it’s up to the perceiver. It’s ‘in the name of truth and responsibility, to always admit when something is an ‘opinion’ and subject to further clarification. Opinions without responsibility for their validity often create unneeded dissonance in minds frequently causing behavior in others that is on ‘unfounded grounds’. Awareness and good judgment in all conversation is exemplary of a more conscious person. Judgments are best not rushed into without full facts and, even then elements like empathy and compassion should enter into all situations.

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